Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Sep 27, 22:30 NZST
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Sep 27, 21:00 NZST
Update -
We have pushed this out a week owing to illness - now scheduled for 27 September:
Friday 27 September
NZST 2100 - 2230
AEST 1900 - 2030
ACST 1830 - 2000
AWST 1700 - 1830
UTC 0900 - 1030
Sep 20, 10:13 NZST
Scheduled -
As advised earlier, on Friday evening 20 September, TimeFiler will be unavailable to all customers for up to 90 minutes while we maintain our database servers.
We will post a reminder an hour before each planned outage and at the start and end of the outage.
All customers will be impacted by the scheduled outage this Friday.
Friday 20 September
NZST 2100 - 2230
AEST 1900 - 2030
ACST 1830 - 2000
AWST 1700 - 1830
UTC 0900 - 1030
Sep 17, 16:54 NZST